IOCB Tech Foundation accepts applications for the Martina Roeselová Memorial Fellowship for 2023. Stipends in the amount of CZK 150,000 for one year support young researchers in the field of natural sciences who strive combining competitive scientific research with care for a preschool child or children.

The fellowship is dedicated to PhD students and postdoctoral fellows who are the primary caregiver of a preschool child and at the same time conduct competitive research in the field of natural sciences at universities or research institutes in the Czech Republic.

The funds are intended to cover childcare services and can be used to pay for preschool education, a child’s play area, private babysitting, etc.

The fellowship was originally awarded by the Martina Roeselová Foundation. Since this year, in connection with the planned merger of the two foundations, it is newly awarded by the IOCB Tech Foundation and increases from CZK 120,000 to 150,000.

Applications for 2023 can be submitted until 15 October 2022. You can learn more about the conditions for awarding the stipend and submitting applications here.