We accept applications for the Martina Roeselová Memorial Fellowship for 2024. Stipends of CZK 150,000 for one year support young researchers in the field of natural sciences who strive to combine competitive scientific research with care for a preschool child or children.

The fellowship is primarily intended for PhD students and also early career postdoctoral fellows in a difficult life situation, who are the primary caregiver of a preschool child and at the same time conduct competitive research in the field of natural sciences at universities or research institutes in the Czech Republic.

The funds are intended to cover childcare services, such as to pay for preschool education in a private facility, stays in a child’s play area, or babysitting in a situation where the services of state facilities are not accessible, or, for example, to travel with the child to a conference or internship abroad, so that the stipend holders can continue or return to their studies or research work.

Applications for 2024 can be submitted until 22 September 2023. You can learn more about the conditions for awarding the stipend and submitting applications here.